Over 130 Research Studies PROVE This Is

The Most Powerful Way to Upgrade Your

Keto Digestion, Energy, and Fat Loss

Groundbreaking NEW Keto Formula Boosts Your Ability To Turn
Both Dietary And Stored Fat Into More Energy... Faster Metabolism...
Plus Higher Mental And Physical Performance, Overnight

  • Do you ever experience digestive issues when you eat high fat
    meals? Constipation? Diarrhea? Meal just sits in your stomach?

  • Has your intense exercise or peak athletic performance taken a dip
    since you switched over to lower carbs?

  • Would you like to experience a new level of energy, mental clarity
    and focus
    without relying on stimulants?

My name is Matt Gallant and I’ve been doing keto for over 26 years. I started when I was 16 years old and I read Dr. Mauro DiPasquale’s book “The Anabolic Diet”. And I’m still following that same blueprint today.

I love the energy I have, the mental drive and the aesthetics. Despite what some people think, you can build muscle on keto. I’ve been able to build 50 lbs of lean muscle mass while on keto.

I’ve turned hundreds of people on keto over the years. I was a personal trainer and that was my diet of choice.

However, a lot of people had issues – mainly digestive issues. Some people didn’t get the same energetic boost from it – especially when it comes to hard exercise. Other people had elevated triglycerides.

This is why I decided to create a solution that solves all of these problems and gives you a new level of energy that rivals coffee.

How I Solved The 3 Metabolic Deficiencies
That Block You From Thriving On Keto

I’ve turned hundreds of people onto keto over the last couple of decades. Unfortunately, most struggled with three core metabolic issues — which I never knew how to fix until recently.

I began doing hundreds of hours of research and testing on the different nutrients that could help solve these challenges.

It wasn’t easy… it took pouring through a TON of studies (which you’ll find on the bottom of this webpage)… massive amounts of real-world testing… until I ultimately discovered the perfect combination of nutrients for optimizing fat digestion, energy metabolism, and fat loss enhancement.

I’m thrilled to finally reveal solution that solves all of these problems—in just 7 seconds… and gives you a new level of energy that rivals coffee.

After coaching hundreds of people on keto in the last 26 years, I can proudly state that the pain and struggle my clients would go through is long gone.

Today, my clients LOVE the energy, metabolism, plus the smooth consistent bowel movements and fat loss are now possible.

These results are made possible by a solution we call kApex®.

It just takes 7 seconds to open the lid of the bottle pour the capsules in your hand and throw them in your mouth.

Why KApex® Is The Biggest Breakthrough In Keto
Since The Discovery Of The Diet Itself

I know that’s a bold statement; but in my opinion, kApex® is LIGHT YEARS beyond any other “Keto supplement” because—unlike boosters like exogenous ketones (which have some short-term value, but DON’T improve your natural energy or fat-burning functions…)

kApex® upgrades the way your body and cells function on a Keto diet.

kApex® is precisely formulated to help your body rewire itself in these three key ways. Every ingredient performs a critical role. It’s NOT a mish-mash of “maybes” in a bottle.

I worked with 2 of the best formulators in the world and we tested several formulas for almost a year…before we settled on the final formula for kApex®.

kApex® directly UPGRADES your ability to make energy… burn fat… and feel your best on Keto.

From the moment you take your kApex® capsules, the formula goes to work in your body:

  • 1FIRST, kApex® helps break down the fat you eat into tiny fatty acids.

  • 2SECOND, kApex® assists in the transport of those fatty acids to your liver and your mitochondria and burn them up at an accelerated rate.

  • 3THIRD, by enhancing digestion and metabolic/energy function—kApex® helps you SMASH through any fat loss plateaus.

How exactly does kApex® do all this?

Let’s dive deeper into the science behind these 3 core benefits.

How KApex® Solves Virtually Every Digestive
Problem With Keto, Paleo And Low Carb Diets

First, is enhanced fat digestion. The proprietary LIP4TM blend of 4 lipases (the enzymes that break down fats) in kApex® dissolve fats into easily burnable fatty acids. This special blend breaks down the dietary fats you eat in a variety of PH levels.

This was shown to be highly effective based on the research where scientists activated lipase, and increased fat digestion from 15 to 45 percent. [1]

It’s also why the right types and levels of lipase—are a life-saver for people struggling with digestive issues when they eat a high fat diet including meat, fish or other types of fat (including healthy fats).

In a study in which people ate high-fat food, patients who supplemented with lipase enzymes experienced significant reductions in bloating, gas, and fullness compared to those taking a placebo. [2]

And these studies were performed WITHOUT LIP4TM… which is a high-potency 4 lipase blend unlike anything you’ll find in ANY other enzyme solution.

It fully unleashes your ability to digest and break down high fat meals—and you’ll notice an immediate lift in your energy after high fat meals the first time you take it. More on this incredible energy in a moment.

KApex® Also Fixes Your Protein Digestion,
Helping You Avoid Bloating And Weight Gain

It’s easy to over consume protein on a Keto diet—and this leads to major challenges, from compromised gut health… insulin spiking… weight gain… and even accelerated aging.

The Tri-Phase Protease Blend in kApex® breaks down the protein you’re eating into absorbable amino acids. Then up to 66% more aminos get transported through the intestinal tract thanks to a special nutrient called Astrazyme®[3]

You can consume 200 grams of protein a day, but if you’re only breaking down 50%… and only half of that goes through the intestinal tract…

… then you’re WASTING 75% of the protein your consuming!

Leveraging this Tri-phase Protease Blend is like transforming every gram of protein you eat into 4 useable grams of protein.

This is how kApex® helps you maximize muscle gains and recovery from your workouts.

The protease has profound anti-aging benefits as well because a protein accumulation in the cells is currently believed to be the number killer of supercentenarians (people that live over 100). [4]

So breaking down your protein into amino acids is a very important thing if you want to live a long healthy life.

KApex® Replenishes Key Elements
You Lack For Strong Digestion

We included HCL (hydrochloric acid which is stomach acid) in kApex® to assist the lipase and protease in breaking down those essential macronutrients.

Most people’s natural HCL starts dropping in their 30s and creates many digestive issues including heartburn and GERD. If you want good digestion, this must be fixed. [5]

Earlier, you also learned about bile (which is secreted from the liver and gallbladder to emulsify fat). Bile is vital in fat digestion.

That’s why we included dandelion root in order to stimulate your bile flow needed for high-fat meals… so you further maximize the breakdown of fats into usable fatty acids. [6]

I was legitimately shocked at how smooth my digestion and elimination became—after I began taking kApex®.

It is THE answer to Keto digestive problems.

KApex® Gives You Focused Energy
And Drive For 6-10 Hours

Last but not least, we’ve included a patented ingredient called InnoSlim® to increase this formula’s ability to help burn fatty acids by 100% inside the mitochondria.

Mitochondria are the “energy factories” of the cell. They act like a mini digestive system which takes in nutrients, breaks them down, and creates energy rich molecules for your cells to use.

Simply stated, kApex® breaks your dietary fat into fatty acids and then burns them up at highly accelerated rate.

Energy wise, kApex® is like upgrading your car’s engine to V12, 500 horsepower beast—and then switching the fuel from gas to nitro… because you’re mitochondria get bigger and stronger AND you’re feeding them more powerful fuel.

It’s easily the most potent non-stimulant based energy product I’ve personally taken

WARNING: Do NOT Take 5 Capsules At 4 PM!

The first time I got the sample products I decided to take a 5 capsules at to see what the effects would be. It was around 4 pm.


That’s when I knew this was a game-changer for energy, drive and focus.

Two weeks ago, I repeated the same experiment. I took 5 capsules at 3 pm and according to my Oura ring sleep monitor it took 2 hours and 55 minutes to fall asleep. My average is 21 minutes.

The key is to take 3-6 capsules in the morning. You’ll be fine in the evening. For digestion, take 1-2 with meals.

KApex® Helps Supercharge Fat Loss...
Without Extreme Exercise Or Calorie Restriction

Of course, kApex® is NOT a magic bullet.

It doesn’t mean you can eat 10,000 calories and not get fat. We all know you need to be in a calorie deficit to lose fat.

And while we won’t make ridiculous fat loss claims, but the science (which I’m going to share in a minute) indicates that it can absolutely accelerate your fat loss results over time.

How The Ingredients Within KApex®
Have Been Shown To Improve Fat Loss
In Dozens Of Scientific Experiments

While a book could be written about all the ways the ingredients inside kApex® help scientifically support fat loss—I’m going to give you a quick overview right here:

The InnoSlim® helps support fat loss in multiple ways:

  • Boosts AMPK in muscles by 52% and fat cells by 300% [7]
  • Ups ATP in your liver by 22% (a key part of energy) [8]
  • Amps adiponectin by up to 248% (a key fat-burning hormone) [9]
  • Lifts GLUT4 up to 488%—which is the insulin-regulated glucose transporter found primarily in fat and muscle tissues. [10]

Bottom line, this cranks your even more energy and helps your body keep your blood sugar levels low and increases your insulin sensitivity (which is vital for fat loss).

Here are some highlights from the InnoSlim® research:

It increases adiponectin in normal cells by 103% and insulin-resistant cells by 248%. Adiponectin (a hormone produced your fat cells) can lower inflammation, increase your metabolism and accelerate overall fat loss. [11]

Think of it as your fat-loss best friend or BFF since it’s produced by fat, but also helps burn it up.

A strong correlation between adiponectin and systemic insulin sensitivity has been well established both in vivo and in vitro in mice, other animals, and humans. Here’s a graphic to help you understand it’s function. [12]

How KApex® Helps Ensure Any Carbs You
Consume Become Energy And NOT Fat

How KApex® Helps Ensuåre Any Carbs You Consume Become Energy And NOT Fat

InnoSlim® helps increase GLUT4 expression level in muscle by 46% and fat cells by 488%. GLUT4 helps transport glucose into the muscles. This is awesome because it won’t be turned into fat. Instead it will be used by the muscles for energy. [13]

GLUT4 was made popular by Tim Ferriss’s book “4 Hour Body”. Tim’s tip was to go do 40 air squats in the bathroom to increase your GLUT4 by up to 83%. Now you won’t need to go do squats in the restaurant bathrooms before you eat LOL. [14]

InnoSlim® increases glucose absorption in muscles by 50%. The benefits of this are obvious. Muscles is where you want to store your glucose. This helps prevent gluconeogenesis (which is when your body transforms glucose into love handles). [15]

InnoSlim® can increase insulin sensitivity in animals by 38%. This is also vital for fat loss. [16] And that’s not all…

We Leveraged The World’s Most Expensive,
Science-Backed Fat-Burning Nutrient
To Further Enhance The KApex® Formula

I’m talking about a nutrient called 7 KETO DHEA—which is by far the most expensive ingredient in kApex®. And probably the most expensive legit fat-burning there is.

We could’ve skipped it. That’s what most companies would do to maximize profit margins.

But our philosophy at BiOptimizers is we don’t care about the cost—we just care about the results. Why? We’re long term thinkers.

If the product really works… if it’s so strong, you can FEEL it working (this is true for kApex®)…

We know you’ll get great results, and you’ll buy more. Period.

7-Keto is used specifically for cell metabolism and by the brain. 7-keto and its derivatives activate PPAR alpha. PPAR-alpha is a protein that helps make peroxisomes, burn fat, and boosts weight loss.

5 Research Studies PROVE Unparalleled Power Of
This Metabolic Super Nutrient

STUDY #1: 33, healthy but overweight adults (12 men and 21 women 40-69 years old) received 7-Keto DHEA supplements for 8 weeks. Those who took it along with diet and exercise reduced weight more than just diet and exercise with no adverse effects [17]

STUDY #2: 7-Keto may benefit inactive overweight people. In a study of 40 subjects (30 women and 10 men with an average age of 38), 7 days of 7-keto increased the metabolic rate, helping to burn more calories. The overweight patients were also on a calorie-restricted diet [18].

STUDY #3: 7-keto lowers appetite, which is crucial for weight loss [19].

STUDY #4: A study published in Current Therapeutic Research revealed just how effective 7-Keto is in inducing fat loss. The researchers found that the 7-Keto group lost a significant amount of body weight compared to the placebo group-6.3 versus 2.1 pounds. [20]

Compared to the placebo group, the 7-Keto group saw a significant increase in thyroid hormone activity that targets fat-burning genes in the mitochondria and adipose tissue. No adverse effects were reported. [21]

Here’s the key point: It raises your metabolism.

STUDY #5: In one study, the placebo treatment, resting metabolic rate (RMR) decreased by 3.9% (75+/-111 kcal/day; mean+/-S.D.); however, with 7-Keto DHEA, RMR increased significantly by 1.4% (21+/-115 kcal/day) and 3.4% (59+/-118). THAT’S A 5.8% DIFFERENCE. That’s 116 calories a day. [22]

That’s An Extra 12 Pounds Of Fat Burned In One
Year... From Just ONE INGREDIENT In KApex®

This is due to the greatly increased levels of fat-burning enzymes in the liver as well as the elevation of thyroid hormone. These beneficial changes are known to boost basal metabolic rate, making it easier to shed excess pounds.

Supplementation with 7-Keto can therefore help reverse the decline in metabolic rate that makes it so easy to put on weight as we age.

Unlike caffeine and ephedrine, 7-Keto does not have a central nervous system stimulating effect caused by noradrenaline release, nor does 7-Keto increase heart rate or blood pressure. [23]

Finally there’s L-Carnitine. One analysis of mostly in obese individuals or older adults — found that people lost an average of 2.9 pounds (1.3 kg) more weight while taking L-carnitine. [24]

One study of people with type 2 diabetes taking anti-diabetic medication indicated that carnitine supplements significantly reduced blood sugar levels, compared to a placebo. [25]

3 More “Total Body” Benefits Of KApex®

kApex® delivers a variety of benefits beyond the main attractions of digestion, energy and fat loss. Here are just a few:

can help lower inflammation

InnoSlim® reduces inflammatory biomarkers PAI-1 by 11%, RBP4 by 31% and TNFα by 61% in normal cells. And reduces inflammatory biomarkers PAI-1 by 53%, RBP4 by 67% and TNFα by 38% in insulin-resistant cells. [26]

can boost cardiovascular health

It’s no secret that many people get elevated cholesterol and even more worrisome elevated triglycerides when eating keto or paleo.

Part of the reason is the inability to break down fats because of lipase deficiency. This can cause unhealthy levels of cholesterol. People with lower lipase levels also tend to have higher cholesterol levels and fat in the bloodstream.

Additionally, lower lipase levels leads to increased triglyceride levels, which contributes directly to cardiovascular problems. High triglyceride levels can cause pancreatitis and heart disease. Elevated levels also have links to type 2 diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. [27]

can help reduce bad cholesterol

InnoSlim® inhibits cholesterol, fat and triglyceride synthesis (In vitro). [28] Many people have elevated triglycerides on keto. This could help.

A study at the Institute of Endocrinology in Prague, Czech Republic, revealed that 7-Keto contributes to this cholesterol-lowering activity. The beneficial HDL (high-density lipoprotein) rose significantly, even though harmful LDL (low-density lipoprotein) was only slightly diminished. [29]

This is great for anyone eating a lot of fat.

How To Take KApex®

It’s VERY important you take kApex® properly: not following these instructions can lead to excess energy at night and loss of sleep.

We recommend you take 3 to 8 capsules (depending on bodyweight) on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, before food. This will help convert stored fat into energy and get your mitochondria rocking.

Your brain will be LIT for 6 to 10 hours. Best of all: no crashes, jitters or adrenal burnout.

For digestion, you want to take 1-3 capsules with meals—ideally earlier in the day (be more cautious at dinner); this is the key to having the best low carb bowel movements ever.

Over time, you’ll find the right number of capsules and timing that’s best for you. But in the beginning, it’s better to err on the side of caution and not take too many capsules, or too many late in the day.

However, kApex® truly creates incredible synergy where your body becomes a fat digesting, energy producing, fat burning machine.

Your Immunity Is In Your Gut - Begin Today

KApex® Is THE Most Scientifically
Sound Keto Upgrade Ever:
It’s Essential For Keto Success

Once you try it, I’m confident you’ll agree.

You can see some of the work that went into designing this by scrolling down and looking at the 29 direct citations (and over 130 supporting research papers) that back up the validity of our claims and the effectiveness of kApex®.

It’s all there for you below— if you prefer you can spend dozens of hours reading through all the research I’ve cited.

Or you can take the risk-free test-drive because you’re protected by our 365-day money-back guarantee… and experience kApex® for yourself.

Frankly, I think this the easiest decision ever.

If you want to thrive on Keto or any low carb program…

Heck, even if you’re NOT Keto and you just want better fat digestion, energy, and overall fat-loss…

Then investing in kApex® will be the smartest decision you ever make for your diet, lifestyle, longevity and health.


Matt Gallant
CEO, BiOptimizers

P.S. If you want better digestion, a whole new level of energy and enhanced fat loss—this is it. Validated by dozens of scientific studies, this is the future of low carb supplementation.

P.P.S. Remember, you’re risking absolutely nothing by testing kApex® for yourself. You’re totally protected by our 365-day unconditional money back guarantee.

More Research Than Any Other Keto Upgrade Ever


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